09 My Equipment List

By Moon

Here you can download my full equipment list. Please note that I spend much much more than you need. But I didn’t know that I dont have to spend so much money and had to spend a lot of money to try and learn what works and what not.

There we simply no recourses out that told me what I really need.

The good news that you will save a lot of money, when you learn with my tutorials. But of course getting a lot of things is also fun… 🙂



My Equipment List

  • Great intro to the world of Virtual video..although I wont be doing full body movements I will be looking into camera pans /tilts across the virtual image..the use of Unreal engine as an App is going to help lots in creating my themes..

    • Great Jason! Yes, Unreal helps us all a lot. Also this kind of work (no matter if body movements or camera movements) is super super fun!!

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